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TorrServer - personal streaming service for movies and TV series

Quick one command installation of TorrServer

To create a virtual server with TorrServer it is enough to buy any basic rates of shared hosting with Ubuntu OS and write the following command in its console after connecting through Putty program:

apt-get update |apt-get install curl -y
mkdir -p ${dir}
case $(uname -m) in
 i386) architecture="386" ;;
 i686) architecture="386" ;;
 x86_64) architecture="amd64" ;;
 arm) dpkg --print-architecture | grep -q "arm64" && architecture="arm64" || architecture="arm7" ;;

url=$(curl --silent | grep TorrServer-linux-${architecture} | head -1 | awk -F \" '{print $2}')
wget -O ${dir}/torrserver${url}
chmod +x ${dir}/torrserver
cat << EOF > /etc/systemd/system/torrserver.service
Description = TorrServer
After =

User = root
Group = root
Type = simple
NonBlocking = true
ExecStart = ${dir}/torrserver -d ${dir} -p > 8090

ExecReload = /bin/kill -HUP \${MAINPID}
ExecStop = /bin/kill -INT $${MAINPID}
TimeoutSec = 30
WorkingDirectory = ${dir}
Restart = on-failure
RestartSec = 5s
#LimitNOFILE = 4096

WantedBy =
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start torrserver.service
systemctl enable torrserver.service
echo -e "\nTorrServer Online - installation is complete\n" >/dev/pts

After writing this command, you will be able to connect to your server via its IP address with port 8090 (which can be changed in advance in the code above).

To add movies and shows, just click on the green icon in the center of the screen Next, move the torrent file or paste the magnet-link text (torrent file content).

After adding a torrent file, you can change the file name in your server, as well as put a cover to make it easier to use TorrServer. These are optional. Click the **"Add" button.

You can then download the playlist of the selected torrent to your PC:

Downloaded .m3u file can be opened in PotPlayer and start watching your desired TV series, movie or video in the best quality live.

TorrServer Update

If the installed version of TorrServer becomes outdated, just prescribe the following command in the console of the server and it will be automatically updated to the current version and rebooted:

systemctl stop torrserver.service
rm -r ${dir}/${bin}
mkdir -p ${dir}
case $(uname -m) in
 i386) architecture="386" ;;
 i686) architecture="386" ;;
 x86_64) architecture="amd64" ;;
 arm) dpkg --print-architecture | grep -q "arm64" && architecture="arm64" || architecture="arm7" ;;
url=$(curl --silent | grep TorrServer-linux-${architecture} | head -1 | awk -F \" '{print $2}')
wget -O ${dir}/${bin}${url}
chmod +x ${dir}/${bin}
systemctl start torrserver.service
echo -e "\nTorrServer Online - update completed\n" >/dev/pts/0

Add authorization to the TorrServer web panel

You can also add authorization when connecting to your TorrServer web panel. To do this, create accs.db at the path /opt/torrserver/accs.db, replacing admin and pass with the desired username and password:

Then in the /etc/systemd/system/torrserver.service file, add the --httpauth parameter to the end of the line specifying the web panel port:

ExecStart = /opt/torrserver/torrserver -d /opt/torrserver -p 8090 --httpauth

And restart your TorrServer:

systemctl daemon-reload
service torrserver restart

Done, now you have authorization in the TorrServer panel.

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